There are a lot of great kids science projects for any age. Physical science is a good category for kids to experiment with because they can do this with their family or friends at school.A good science experiment for kids is to see if they can determine the gender of a person simply looking at their feet. To do this, you can take pictures of all the kid’s feet and put them on a poster and see if the kids can guess if each foot belongs to a girl or a boy in the class. Another option would be to have the kids cut pictures of people’s feet out of magazines and mark on the back if it is a man’s foot or a woman’s foot. Then, have the other students try to guess if it’s a man or woman’s foot.Other fun kids science projects can be to to see if water always drains in the same direction. They can do this by checking a few places around the school, such as a toilet, a sink and perhaps a floor drain, if available. Have them flush the toilet and make note of which way the water drains, then plug a sink, fill it with water and take the plug out. Make note of which way the water drains, then doing the same with a floor drain, dump a small bucket of water over the drain and see which way it drains. Did all the water drain in the same direction?